
Knowledge Center

Academic and Industry Reports

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Synchronous Die-to-Die Signaling Using Aeonic ConnectAcademic Paper,
6 pages
Presented at CICC 2023, Movellus explores a single-cycle die-to-die solution that is 3-5x lower power than existing standards

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Movellus Attacks Voltage DroopIndustry Paper,
5 pages
Movellus debuts its Aeonic™ Integrated Droop Response System that takes critical steps in mitigating an issue that is affecting an increasing number of chips. Authored by Bryon Moyer at Techinsights.

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Movellus Aeonic: An Intelligent Clock NetworkWhite Paper,
8 pages
Movellus is increasing silicon clock performance, power, and reliability through its Aeonic technology, which uses optimized IP to mitigate on-chip variation, skew, and voltage droop for high-performance and low-power devices. Authored by The Linley Group

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Use Cases

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Distributed Clocking for Sea of Processor SoCsUse Case Summary,
2 pages
Learn more about how Aeonic Generate CGMs and distributed clocking enables fine-grain performance tuning for sea of processor architectures.

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Remote Droop Detection and Response Use Case
Use Case Summary,
2 pages
Learn more about how the Aeonic™ Integrated Droop Response System enables remote droop detection and response for complex SoCs.

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Localized Droop Detection and Response Use Case
Use Case Summary,
2 pages
Learn more about how the Aeonic™ Integrated Droop Response System enables localized droop detection and response for sea of processor architectures.

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Droop Detection and Response for Heterogeneous SoCsUse Case Summary,
2 pages
Learn more about how the Aeonic™ Integrated Droop Response System enables localized droop detection and response for heterogeneous SoCs.

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Product Briefs and Data Sheets

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Aeonic Integrated Droop Response System
Solution Brief,
2 pages
  • Single-digit high-speed clocks total adapt time for droop response
  • Programmable through standardized interfaces
  • Advanced Observability

Click here to learn more about the Aeonic Integrated Droop Response System!
Aeonic Platform Solution OverviewPlatform Overview,
2 pages
  • 50-75% power reduction vs mesh networks
  • 25% faster timing closure
  • Run-time compensation for static and dynamic silicon
  • Active droop response
  • Industry leading area for clock generation

Click here to download the platform solution overview!
Aeonic Generate AWM Data SheetData Sheet,
4 pages
  • Up to 8x smaller than analog PLLs
  • Eight unique clock outputs
  • Fast frequency switching times
  • Core-voltage supply
  • Process portable

Click here to learn more about the Aeonic Generate AWM!
Aeonic Generate CGM Data SheetData Sheet,
4 pages
  • Up to 8x smaller than analog PLLs
  • Low-power
  • Core-voltage supply
  • Process portable

Click here to learn more about the Aeonic Generate CGM!
Aeonic Connect Product BriefProduct Brief,
2 pages
  • Dynamic compensation
  • Process portable
  • 50-75% power savings over a mesh network
  • 25% faster timing closure

Click here to learn more about Aeonic Connect!